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System Improvement Project
July 01, 2024
BMWS System Improvement Project
Work will start on July 8th and will take approximately 60 days.
Install Radio Read Meters throughout the system.
Install Remote Chlorine Monitors in 3 locations.
Install New Automatic Flush Valves in 3 locations.
Service Line Identification – state requirement by October 2024
What you can expect:
What is AMR? Automated Meter Reading (AMR) will allow BMWS to gather utility usage data from its customers, both residential and commercial, without manually reading meters. We will improve services and save money by minimizing the costs associated with reading individual residential and commercial meters.
How does it work? BMWS has chosen Drive By Handheld units. The System is replacing the water meters throughout the service area with new meters equipped with a transceiver. This transceiver is used to collect and transmit meter reading data to our Drive By Handheld unit.
Why is BMWS undertaking this effort? The purpose for this is twofold: Safer conditions for our meter reader and some of our meters have been around for a very long time and may be reading under the actual gallons used.
Will the electronic device on the meter interfere with other electronic equipment? No. The radio transmission operates in compliance with FCC regulations to avoid interference with other electronic devices.
Does the meter have to be replaced? Yes. All active meters will be changed out to AMR technology.
Installation Crew:
- Work will be done by installers wearing "Womack & Son’s" logos.
Trucks will also be marked with Womack & Son’s.
- Most work will be done Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- Water interruption is expected to take 1 to 2 hours.
- A member of Womack & Sons team will knock on your door to notify you of the meter
change out. If there is no answer, they will turn off the water and change out the meter.
Do I have to be home for the meter replacement work? No. Since the water meters are located outside of the home, you will not need to be home for the replacement work. (DO NOT let anyone claiming to be from the water system into your home). There is absolutely no reason for us to enter your home.
What happens if I have a problem after the installation?
If you have a leak, low pressure, or some other problem after the installation, contact the office Monday – Thursday 9 to 1 at 878.2111 – or the afterhours emergency number 878.2111.
Because your water will be turned off temporarily during the meter change process, you may experience a brief period of air or discolored water. In most cases, briefly running your cold water will clear this situation. There is a limited time to resolve issues after the installation. Please advise us as soon as possible with any concerns.
Has this new AMR equipment been tested for accuracy and reliability? Yes. Meters come pretested along with results directly from the manufacturer. The radio device will be tested for accuracy during the meter collection process regularly. The meters will still have visible numbers on them as well.
How does AMI benefit customers?
- Improved customer service by increasing accuracy of meter readings.
- Minimized need to access meters at the property.
Will my water bill go up? Possibly. Older meters tend to lose accuracy as they age and therefore do not measure all the water going through them. The new water meter will accurately measure the water that you use. All new meters are tested prior to delivery by the manufacturer to ensure that they register properly. If you see a higher bill immediately upon the new meter installation, it is likely the old meter was running slow.
Can I cover up the meter after the installation? No. Access needs to be available at all times. There will still be occurrences when meter technicians will visit the meter on site to perform routine maintenance or verify high readings.
How will I know that you have my reading & not someone else’s? Each radio frequency device has a unique identification number, which is transmitted along with the meter reading. The unique number is compared to your account record to ensure a match.
The staff from Womack and Sons will do everything they can to make the installation go smoothly and the finished installation look like they were not there. Due to State requirements…there will be photos taken of the area before and after. These photos along with the date and time of the install will be provided to the office. There are contract deadlines to resolve any issues you may have. With few exceptions – you need to notify the office within 30 days of the install.
Bayou Macon Water System has a Brand New Website! Subscribe to Stay Informed!
May 26, 2023
Working harder to better serve and communicate with our community, we have launched a new website for our water customers. Check it out and let us know what you think. Subscribe today!